Monday, 26 September 2011

maen cucuk-2 . tehee.

weheeee~ ~
hari ney kan ...
satu praktikum kami jadi doktor sat..
cucuk diri sendiri.. wahahaha.
terbaekkkkkkk .
>part of biology experiment<

ak sendiri pown x pecaya mcm mana i have the guts to do the blood test..
dah la takowt jarum..
boley plak pegi hulur tangan dekat "doktor" tak bertauliah lam klaz ak tue kan..
macam maen2 jew..
its was like " sapa nak cucuk jari akuuuuu..??? 
meh la meh la... kita maen cucuk2.. ak cucuk kau , kau cucuk ak. "
xboley belah sial..  HAHA.

as for me.. ak xbrani nak sruh the girls tolong cucukkan.
nanti kau takowt , aku pown takot.
 sama2 takot last2 drpd nak amek drah setitik dua kang jadi bertitik2 plak ha..

so, dgn penoh harapan konon2 mintak tlg 
mudak laki dorg lagi kemas skit la...
ak mintak la tlg kat si zul ney..
menarik2 tangan jugak ak. terpekik telolong jugak takot.
same jewww.. xda beza nyer pung laki ke pompn... =. .=
p/s : weyh zul.., y hang p cucuk tepi tue pehal.. 
kan dlm manual book da ckp TIP of middle finger..adooyyaiii..
sakit sial.. huuuu ~ 
tp whatever it is.. thx ea... ^^"
sbb kau lha ak bt jgk test tue.
klaw x smpy kesudah ak takkan bwt nyer lha.. 

inilah dy.. eksperimen "klinik2" kitorg...wahaha. sengal doe.

dy kena titikkan atas slide tue..
y warna kuning tue Antigen-B serum..
so darah ak darah A .wink2~ 
coz dy agglutinate kat Antigen-A serum..

tue jew lha kowt..
tggu lah bila2 pulak mood nak mencarut kat blog ney datang lagi.
ada la post baru plak kay.. tehee.
kbye... adiosss.

Friday, 23 September 2011


Last two days.. if i was not mistaken. I had lost my uncle forever. 
he had back to our Creator.
He left three sons.. D oldest one is 18 years old.
 followed by 11 and 8 years old. 
They lost their mother 6 years ago. 
n now they have to accept the fact that their father are gone too.
 isn’t that bad?

What touched me the most is they didn’t get perfect  love from both their parents 
while they are getting to know the world.
To whom they are gonna express their feelings.?
 To whom they would refer to if they got problems.?
 to whom they should ask for love?. 
A shoulder  to cry to. A place to  share their sweet n sour experiences. 
Their laugh. Their bored. Their joy. Their pain.?

My tears dropped to the floor when I came across to those things.  Yes they still have their uncles.. aunts.. grandma.. but they will not gonna be the same as our own parents..

I thanked to Allah fer lengthened  my parents age.
I shud be grateful coz they are always there for me. 
Appreciate every moment with them. 
Do not raise your voice to them. Obeys their order. 
We never know when will Allah take them from us. 
I’m afraid that we might not have the opportunity 
to ask fer their forgiveness if we hurts  their feelings. 
Make every second a quality tyme between us and our parents.

To abah..
I got something to say to you..,
That you always be the one who can understand me more than anyone else.
U never 4get to remind me how to take a good cre of myself.
How to not make me feel used by anybody,not to let people taking me for granted.
I remember one phrase of your words saying that
 “ do not talk to strangers if they look weird."
 “n do not follow anyone if they ask to”. 
“Do not share your personal informations to strangers in facebook”. 
Your words never fade in my mind as you always keep it repeated. 
“jaga diri” “jaga diri” “jaga diri” at the end of the our phone call conversations if I were anywhere hanging out either alone or with my frens.

Imma say that you had done your responsibilities as a father very well.
U NEVER give a shitt to anything I wanna do.
U understand my desire as a teenage girl.
 thats why u always put your trust in me if I wanna do anything outside.
Coz u know dat your grown up daughter would be able to take care of herself right. 
 Yeaahh I do feel like that too. 
 And in fact Im very confident of that.
 But sumtymes..  I underestimated certain things. People make mistakes.
 N im learning from my very own mistakes.
Fer those mistakes I’ve done, im sorry.plz don’t feel guilty..  its my faults.. 
 u had done your part. then its my part to tke cre of myself. 

 Im gonna take every risk I had created ,alone.
Me, myself will try my best to solve it on my own.
 I should not add some more burden to you.
I love u abah.. I know dat u love me too..
 sometimes you act just like a boyfren would do. 
You call me syg
 n if we’re texting messages. You’ll say "love u".. hahha.
 Its kinda freak a little bit. Hehe.

with love~~ 
your beloved daughter.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

location : bilik(baru balik klinik)
time : 1:06pm
>tenga mencarut kt entry ney smbey menyalak lagu "christina peri-jars of heart"<
*xpadan dgn sakit tekak.pfttt

ak memulakan hari ku aryne dgn p klinik seawal 8.30 pg kowt.
tujuan dy coz ak demam doe aryne. da dua ary da haa.
ak xksah sgt law dmm mkn pnadol nyer pung.
lmbat kebah pown xpa asalkan ak dok rhat kt umah.
tp mslahnya skrg nt petang ak akn betolak p kajang..
umah kwn ak. saja jejalan. ewahhh.
xbez lak an law p jln jaoh2 demam. 
sumpah spoil.

so ak dgn penoh harapan p lah klinik kesihatan kepala batas
minx2 demam ak kebah cpat aryne.
mcm biasa mengabihkan dwet kolej dgn nek bas kolej
even y nak p klinik tadi 9 org jeww..

smpy2 sna ambik no. giliran terus.
tunggu punya tunggu pukol 11 lebih baru smpy giliran ak
S.E.N.G.A.L. !!!
lama bhaii.. coz ramai org sgt
roomate ak ad mention mlm sblom ak p klinik.
depa ckp nt ak jmpa MA tu lega terus demam.
ak xbrapa nk pham npa depa ckp mcm tue.
so ak tya la hensem sgt ka MA tue.
depa kta dak.
so, x mnarik prhatian ak nak amek taw dgn lebeyh lanjut. haha
elok2 ak langkah masok bilik rawatan tuh
haaaaaaa.. tudyaaaaaaaaaaa. 
nampak dah si mamat ensem tuh kan. hahak.
dy agak sengaiii sbnaq nya.
dok ejek ckp ak pa tatiawwww.
nseb bek dy hensem. ak xkisah sgt la.
law demam ary2 pown xpa leyh p jmp dy. hahahahahha.
> hampa nak kata ak galak an?<
>taw dah<
aku peduli apenyerrrrrr,. . . . .  .like i care !!
sampai la waktu p tggu ubat kt farmasi plak.
hang taw depa bagi ubat pa?
ubat batuk dgn PARACETAMOL ja kowttt
ak mcm nk sumpah2 org y bagi ubat tuh trmasok MA ensem tuh
law setakat panadol dy nak bgi ,
kat kolej pown boleh beli belambak.
idong ak y sat2 tersumbat sat2 beraiq neh spa nk tanggung.
ak demam panas bhai. bukan penin kpala ka.
hg bagi panadol kt ak.
setupikkkkk !!!
law klinik kerajaan tuh klinik kerajaaan jgak.
kat mna2 pown sama jah.
bajettttt !! huhhh
mentang2 la free xkna bayaqq an.
agak2 ar nk bagi panadol ganti ubt demam.herhhhh.
dgn kelaparannya menunggu drp 8.30 pagi smpy pkoy 12.
dpt panadol jah.
ak sanggup xp klaz aryne semata2 utk panadoll....oh...panadol...
tak p dah pasnehh !! tgk ar.
 kbye.nak tidoq.
bebai .